ACES Score Test

The ACES (Adverse Childhood Experiences) score is based on a questionnaire that asks about 10 types of adverse experiences, each assigned a point value. The total score ranges from 0 to 10, with each point representing one type of adverse experience. The following is a breakdown of the ACES score matrix by score:

0-1: Low risk of negative health/mental health outcomes in adulthood.

2-4: Moderate risk of negative health/mental health outcomes in adulthood.

5-6: High risk of negative health/mental health outcomes in adulthood.

7-10: Very high risk of negative health/mental health outcomes in adulthood.

Complete the questionnaire below or see full article here

NOTE: It’s important to note that the ACES score is not a diagnosis and it’s not used for treatment. It’s a tool for identifying individuals who may be at risk for negative health outcomes and to help them understand how their past experiences may be impacting their present life.